ATTENTION: Busy couples who are experiencing a lack of communication & connection in their relationship....

From Feeling Like Roommates, Full Of Resentment & Barely Communicating, To…

Feeling Like A Team Again, Understanding Each Other, Deeply Communicating & Connecting!

(In as little as 10 minutes a day) 
WITHOUT having to leave the house! 

The 6 Week Couples Communication Challenge

As seen on


Introducing The 6 Week Couples Communication Challenge. A 6 week online communication video course.

The 6 Week Couples Communication Challenge is an in depth online course designed to radically upgrade your understanding and skills of communication in your relationship so that you can get on the same page and feel like a team again in your marriage.

The Challenge follows the Heart 2 Heart Method, which is a unique system to achieve a happy and loving marriage. The Heart 2 Heart Method is a completely new and unique approach to communicating in your relationship so you can get on the same page, fast!

This is an online course which has a quick and easy daily lesson, followed by an easy online challenge which has been designed to be completed in about 10-20 minutes a day. 


Perfect for busy couples who are want to improve the communication and connection in their relationship.
  • Week 1 - ​The foundations of a happy, healthy, intimate relationship.
  • Week 2 - Communication Strategies: ​Learn how to communicate so you both feel connected, on the same page and working as a team.
  • Week 3 - Overcome resentment: We dive into why we feel resentment and how we can begin to repair and rebuild our relationship so we both feel like our needs matter and we are getting what we need in the relationship.
  • Week 4 - ​Connection & Support: Feeling connected and supported by your partner is a critical element of a happy relationship. You'll learn why you may not feel supported and connected to your partner and exactly what you can do to turn it around.
  • Week 5 - Trust & Happiness: We all get together because that special someone makes us feel happy but somehow it fades over time so in this week we focus on bringing back the happiness and also how to repair and rebuild trust if this is an issue in your relationship.
  • ​Week 6 - Grow Together: The last week is all about how can we continue to grow together and take our relationship to even new heights where the communication is openly flowing, we feel deeply connected to each other and there's an abundance of trust and happiness.
Adam & Aston Simmonds

3 Years Ago We Were You...

3 years ago now we hit the hardest time in our relationship!

After 16 years together, 5 years of marriage and 2 kids we were questioning whether we needed to get a divorce for the first time EVER in our marriage!

We still loved each other but had no idea HOW to be in a loving relationship together!

We felt like roommates, full of resentment, barely communicating, never spending quality time together, intimacy feeling like a chore, no time to date and just surviving each day.

Today We Are...

More deeply connected than we have ever felt.

Our communication is deeper than its ever been.

I finally feel like I can reach Adams heart and he is letting me in.

We have a better understanding of each other.

We date ever single week!

Experiencing more passion and intimacy.

We are growing together.


The 6 Week Couples Communication Challenge 

The 6 Week Couples Communication Challenge is an in depth 6 week long online video course designed to radically upgrade your understanding and skills of communication in your relationship so that you can get on the same page and feel like a team again in your marriage.

The Challenge follows the Heart 2 Heart Method, which is a unique system to achieve a happy and loving marriage. The Heart 2 Heart Method is a completely new and unique approach to communicating in your relationship so you can get on the same page and restore communication, connection & trust, fast!

This is an online course which has a quick and easy daily lesson, followed by an easy online challenge which has been designed to be completed in about 10-20 minutes a day. 

$1,997 VALUE

The 5 Day Relationship Challenge

An online 5-day relationship challenge to take your relationship from surviving to THRIVING! Discover the secrets to a thriving, passionate, loving & supportive relationship in just 5 days, from the comfort of your own home.

In 5 days you'll discover:
- The secret skills behind a life-long loving and passionate relationship
​- How to finally get on the same page and feel like you are working as a team
​- The fatal "3 C's" that are causing your man to shut down and not treat you like a Queen
​- How to connect to your man like never before & have him treat you like the Queen you truly are
​- How to connect to your woman like never before and have her worshipping you like the King you are
​- And so much more!

$199 VALUE

Private Facebook Community

Get access to our private facebook group where you can learn from like minded couples, watch valuable training videos, get your questions answered and receive the help and support you need to transform your relationship, FAST!
That's a saving of $1,699. Offer only available for a limited time.


"I am loving seeing my husband shine in his masculine and the confidence I am seeing in his presence, I see even his posture changing and our house is more harmonious and calm"

"With this new understanding we have both shown each other more of what we need. I have been really working on showing appreciation and gratitude also"
"In the past, I have been really under appreciating and Untrusting. I have felt like I have to do and be everything myself and have felt exhausted. I know when I move into vulnerability and talk from my heart, not from my head there is instant connection"
"The practices I have learnt have changed my life."
“Thanks so much Aston!! I’m really struggling with these things in my relationship. I definitely need this amazing advice.”
"Thank you for all your help, guidance and wisdom. I really needed this message more than you know"
"Aston genuinely cares about spreading positivity and light."
"So empowering you spoke directly to me"
“ I have felt a lot lighter, positive, happy and confident since starting this program.”
​"Some big learnings here! I have been taught to live in my masculine and have suffered the consequences. The more I move into feeling safe in my feminine the better it is for our relationship"
"We both realised this morning the importance of modeling a great relationship is for our boys"
"We have had some really great chats. I realise just how shut down I have been"
"I learnt how to connect with my husband on a deeper level and different ways to communicate with each other"
“You are such a beautiful woman, and I am going to make more time for your content. That’s not even the right word, it’s your heart. You are such a ball of love”
 "Aston has this beautiful way of just making you feel at ease and relaxed. I learnt something new about myself and so much valuable information"
“You have no idea how much I appreciate you. Thank you for all your help, guidance, wisdom and LOVE”
“I feel so much better within myself.”
“This has been massive for me”
“I’ve learnt to find stillness and tune into my body when I feel overwhelmed.”


When does it start?
This is a self paced online course so you can start instantly.

How long do I have access to the course?
You will receive lifetime access.

I am soo busy. How much time will it take?
The course has been designed for busy couples and only takes an average of 10-20 minutes per day to complete. The course is also self paced so go at a pace that suits you!

Do you offer any payment plans?
 No. The program is currently 50% OFF and we are not offering payment plans.

Does the course cover my partner and I or is the price per person?
Yes. The price for the program covers a couple. Feel free to send your partner the welcome email you receive after signing up and they can create their own account. 

Do we need to do the course as a couple?
No you don't have to do it together. Whether you do it together or separately you will get what you need from the course.

Is there 1:1 support?
You can receive the support you need inside the Facebook Community and if you need more support we also offer a free call.

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